Hol­ly­wood Black­list 2.0: Pay­ing The Price For Speak­ing Your Mind

Hollywood Blacklist 2.0: Paying The Price For Speaking Your Mind

Actress Drea de Mat­teo knows how say­ing the wrong thing can get you whacked. In more ways than one.
The actress played Adri­ana on the mob TV clas­sic “The Sopra­nos” and her icon­ic char­ac­ter was one of many who didn’t live to be fea­tured in the final episodes. 
More impor­tant­ly, she’s worked for two-plus decades in Hol­ly­wood. If you go against the Hol­ly­wood ortho­doxy, how­ev­er, you could lose work. 
Said ortho­doxy is pro­gres­sive to the core.

Hol­ly­wood To You/Star Max/GC Images

The Hol­ly­wood Black­list 2.0 is very real. Just ask stars like Kevin Sor­bo, Anto­nio Saba­to, Jr., and Tim Allen. They’ve all expe­ri­enced var­i­ous lev­els of can­cel­la­tion f …