MRC’s Bozell Joins FBN’s Var­ney in Slam­ming Media’s Cam­pus Protest and Trump Cov­er­age

MRC’s Bozell Joins FBN’s Varney in Slamming Media’s Campus Protest and Trump Coverage

On Thurs­day, MRC Pres­i­dent Brent Bozell appeared on the Fox Business’s Var­ney & Com­pa­ny to break down how the left­ist media are fail­ing to prop­er­ly cov­er the stu­dent protests.
Bozell and Var­ney also had a good laugh over the Trump tri­als back­fir­ing on the left and MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace’s “end of democ­ra­cy” fear-mon­ger­ing.  
The seg­ment began with Bozell admon­ish­ing net­work and cable cov­er­age (with the excep­tion of Fox News) for ignor­ing three key ele­ments of the protests. 
First up, Bozell not­ed the lack of cov­er­age of the protest back­ers: “The agi­ta­tors, the pro­fes­sion­al peo­ple who are caus­ing trou­ble fund­ed by rad­i­cal left-wing groups. How is that not a sto­ry?”
Bozell then called out the cen­sor­ship of the ugly slurs on dis­play: “Sec­ond, the com­ments that are being made. The chants! ‘Hamas, we love you, we sup­port your rock­ets too!’ Putting up signs t …