MSNBC Hosts Prais­es Col­leges That Sur­ren­dered To The Israel-Haters

MSNBC hosts Chris Hayes and Alex Wag­n­er used their respec­tive Wednes­day edi­tions of All In and Alex Wag­n­er Tonight to attack those who called in the police to end the ille­gal encamp­ments and occu­pa­tions on col­lege cam­pus­es by claim­ing it was they who were esca­lat­ing ten­sions and to prove their point, they point­ed to those schools that sur­ren­dered to the mob.
Hayes came out of com­mer­cial break won­der­ing what the big deal about vio­lent­ly break­ing into a build­ing and occu­py­ing it is …