PBS’s Favorite ‘Repub­li­can’ Claims the GOP Now Is an ‘Auto­crat­ic Move­ment’

For­mer Mitt Rom­ney strate­gist Stu­art Stevens is senior advis­er of the Lin­coln Project, a nev­er-Trump “Repub­li­can” out­fit whose pathet­ic anti-GOP stunts and scan­dals have dis­cred­it­ed it every­where but in the main­stream media, where it remains a reli­able source for smears of the mod­ern-day Repub­li­can par­ty as fascis­tic. Stu­art took his famil­iar act to Tuesday’s edi­tion of Aman­pour & Co., which airs on PBS. Host Chris­tiane Aman­pour used Steven’s spicy quote in her show opener:(Stevens is a pop­u­lar “Repub­li­can” in PBS-land. In Octo­ber 2023 he pumped his then-new book The Con­spir­a­cy to End Amer­i­ca on the PBS New­sHour com­par­ing his old par­ty to Nazis.)Stevens was inter­viewed by co-host Wal­ter Isaac­so …