Peo­ple junk ‘Bide­nomics,’ say infla­tion worst in 18 years

People junk ‘Bidenomics,’ say inflation worst in 18 years

Despite Pres­i­dent Joe Biden‘s effort to turn “Bide­nomics” into a pos­i­tive phrase the pub­lic would embrace, most see “Biden­fla­tion” under­min­ing their finan­cial health and future retire­ment.
Gallup said on Thurs­day that the num­ber of those who cit­ed infla­tion as their top kitchen-table con­cern has hit anoth­er record high at 41%.
All three past year­ly records have come dur­ing the Biden admin­is­tra­tion, which is plan­ning to raise tax­es soon, pos­si­bly as high as $14,000 on mid­dle-income house­holds, accord­ing to Amer­i­cans for Tax Reform.

“For the third year in a row, the per­cent­age of Amer­i­cans nam­ing infla­tion or the high cost of liv­ing as the most impor­tant finan­cial prob­lem fac­ing their fam­i­ly has reached a new high. The 41% nam­ing the issue this year is up slight­ly from 35% a year ago and 32% in 2022. Before 2022, the high­est per­cent­age men­tion­ing infla­tion was 18% in 2008,” Gallup said.
Biden, his White House team, and Demo­c­ra­t­ic sur­ro­gates have been try­ing to con­vince the nation that the econ­o­my is sound and healthy. They cite stock prices, low unem­ploy­ment, and high­er wages.
But the poll sugg …