Why pros­e­cu­tors in Trump’s hush mon­ey tri­al are telling the jury about all of their star witness’s flaws

Why prosecutors in Trump’s hush money trial are telling the jury about all of their star witness’s flaws

Michael Cohen, for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s ex-lawyer and a key wit­ness in his hush mon­ey tri­al, has quite a few detrac­tors in the New York court­room.
Pros­e­cu­tors have been con­tribut­ing to skep­ti­cism about their star wit­ness by high­light­ing per­son­al­i­ty flaws and his alleged wrong­do­ing. Those pros­e­cu­tors, jurors, and even the judge in the case have crit­i­cized Cohen’s actions. It may not make sense that pros­e­cu­tors are using him as a crit­i­cal cog in a machine that aims to con­vict Trump on 34 felony counts and could be under­min­ing the for­mer attorney’s cred­i­bil­i­ty at the same time.
But it’s inten­tion­al.
Pros­e­cu­tors are hop­ing the jury dis­likes Cohen enough to reflect those feel­ings as a “boomerang” effect against Trump, who once called him a “very tal­ent­ed lawyer.” They are try­ing to put Cohen in a frame on their own terms — before the for­mer president’s team can do …