Pros­e­cu­tors test lim­its on admis­si­ble evi­dence in Trump hush mon­ey tri­al

Prosecutors test limits on admissible evidence in Trump hush money trial

Pros­e­cu­tors are lim­it­ed in how they may ref­er­ence Michael Cohen’s past guilty pleas dur­ing for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s hush mon­ey tri­al, but these restric­tions have not stopped them from find­ing ways to tie Trump to Cohen’s crimes in front of the jury.
Judge Juan Mer­chan express­ly ruled that pros­e­cu­tors are not per­mit­ted to use Cohen’s guilty pleas for two cam­paign finance vio­la­tions in 2018 as evi­dence that Trump com­mit­ted a crime, but the judge did pro­vide lee­way on the mat­ter, and Man­hat­tan Dis­trict Attor­ney Alvin Bragg has used it.
Cohen, who is expec …