Bernie Sanders’s warn­ing to Biden and frus­trat­ed young vot­ers on Israel

Bernie Sanders’s warning to Biden and frustrated young voters on Israel

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I‑VT) is offer­ing some unso­licit­ed advice to Pres­i­dent Joe Biden and a sub­tle real­i­ty check for young pro­gres­sives who are frus­trat­ed with U.S. pol­i­cy toward Israel.
The Ver­mont inde­pen­dent, who cau­cus­es with Democ­rats, is seek­ing to tem­per lib­er­als’ demands of the pres­i­dent by remind­ing them of the Repub­li­can alter­na­tive while urg­ing Biden to rethink his strong allied stance toward Israel.
In a more than 20-minute Sen­ate floor speech Wednes­day evening, Sanders gave a pas­sion­ate defense of pro-Pales­tin­ian protests at col­leges across the coun­try but also con­demned those that have turned vio­lent and anti­se­mit­ic. He said the anger should be direct­ed toward Israeli Prime Min­is­ter Ben­jamin Netanyahu.
“It is not anti­se­mit­ic to hold Netanyahu and his gov­ern­ment account­able for their actions,” said Sanders, who is Jew­ish. “That is not anti­se­mit­ic. That is pre­cise­ly what we should be doing. Because among oth­er things, we are the gov­ern­me …