Mary­land Demo­c­rat David Trone pulls ad after out­rage from black vot­ers over use of ‘train­ing wheels’ phrase

Maryland Democrat David Trone pulls ad after outrage from black voters over use of ‘training wheels’ phrase

Rep. David Trone (D‑MD) came under fire from fel­low Democ­rats once again, this time for an ad that sparked out­rage among black vot­ers.
Trone’s cam­paign aired an attack ad against his Sen­ate pri­ma­ry rival, Prince George’s Coun­ty Exec­u­tive Angela Also­brooks, last week, dur­ing which a black sup­port­er argued that the “U.S. Sen­ate is not a place for train­ing wheels,” tak­ing aim at her record. The remarks were met with out­rage from some black women, who claimed it was racist and misog­y­nis­tic, Axios report­ed.
In a let­ter signed by 650 black women, among them for­mer Demo­c­ra­t­ic Nation­al Com­mit­tee Chair­woman Don­na Brazile, the group com­plained that the phrase was “not only dis­parag­ing and dis­mis­sive but also echoes tones of misog­y­ny and racism.”
Despite claims of racism, the com …