Trump deliv­ers piz­za to FDNY sta­tion in anoth­er NYC cam­paign stop

Trump delivers pizza to FDNY station in another NYC campaign stop

After a day spent in a Man­hat­tan court­room for his crim­i­nal hush mon­ey case, for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump vis­it­ed a New York City Fire Depart­ment sta­tion to deliv­er piz­za.
Trump is required to be in court Mon­day, Tues­day, Thurs­day, and Fri­day for the next five or so weeks, but he has been cam­paign­ing around the coun­try on Wednes­days and over the week­ends to make up for lost time. On the days he’s been required in court, he’s found some cam­paign­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties in the city. Thurs­day, he was seen deliv­er­ing piz­za to a mid­town Man­hat­tan FDNY sta­tion.
“I LOVE YOU ALL-spe­cial peo­ple,” Trump signed in one firefighter’s log book.

JUST IN: Despite being pros­e­cut­ed and fac­ing what he has labeled as ‘Biden tri­als,’ Don­ald Trump still went to a …