Trump Says Paris, Lon­don ‘No Longer Rec­og­niz­able’ Because They ‘Opened Their Doors To Jihad’

Trump Says Paris, London ‘No Longer Recognizable’ Because They ‘Opened Their Doors To Jihad’

Paris and Lon­don are “no longer rec­og­niz­able” thanks to the inun­da­tion of “jihad,” accord­ing to for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump, who warned on Wednes­day that the U.S. must guard against fol­low­ing a sim­i­lar path.
Trump made the remarks at a cam­paign ral­ly in Wis­con­sin on Wednes­day night where he said his com­ments would get him “into a lot of trou­ble with the folks in Paris and the folks in Lon­don.”
“We’ve seen what hap­pened when Europe opened their doors to jihad. Look at Paris, look at Lon­don — they’re no longer rec­og­niz­able,” Trump …