UNC fra­ter­ni­ty fundrais­er surges in dona­tions for men who pro­tect­ed US flag

UNC fraternity fundraiser surges in donations for men who protected US flag

The fundrais­er for the men who pro­tect­ed the Unit­ed States flag at the Uni­ver­si­ty of North Car­oli­na, Chapel Hill, has crossed over $375,000 in dona­tions in rough­ly 24 hours, with more dona­tions still pour­ing in.
The GoFundMe is meant to throw a “rager” for the mem­bers of the Pi Kap­pa Phi fra­ter­ni­ty at UNC who pro­tect­ed the U.S. flag dur­ing a pro-Pales­tin­ian protest on cam­pus. The mem­bers of the fra­ter­ni­ty shield­ed the flag for an hour dur­ing the protest despite the pro­test­ers throw­ing rocks, water bot­tles, and oth­er items at them, accord­ing to one of the students.The cam­paign even caught the atten­tion of a few mem­bers of Con­gress, some of whom have donat­ed. Among them was Rep. Mike Collins (R‑GA), who shared his $125 dona­tion on X with the cap­tion, “Next round on me, boys.” …