Why Biden’s Just Wrong: NO ONE ‘Knows How to Make Gov­ern­ment Work.’

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden says, “I know how to make gov­ern­ment work!”
You’d think he’d know. He’s worked in gov­ern­ment for 51 years.
But the truth is, no one can make gov­ern­ment work.
Biden hasn’t.
Look at the chaos at the bor­der, our military’s botched with­draw­al from Afghanistan, the ris­ing cost of liv­ing, our unsus­tain­able record-high debt …
In my new video, econ­o­mist Ed String­ham argues that no gov­ern­ment can ever work well, because “even the best per­son can’t imple­ment change. … The mas­sive bureau­cra­cy gets bigge …