Colum­bia pres­i­dent: Hamil­ton Hall occu­pa­tion was a ‘vio­lent act’ that ‘crossed a new line’

Columbia president: Hamilton Hall occupation was a ‘violent act’ that ‘crossed a new line’

Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty Pres­i­dent Minouche Shafik admit­ted on Fri­day that pro­test­ers who ille­gal­ly occu­pied Hamil­ton Hall “crossed a new line.”
Days after New York Police Depart­ment offi­cers cleared the hall, Shafik addressed the chaos that has unfold­ed on her cam­pus in a video on Fri­day.
She described the past two weeks as being “among the most dif­fi­cult in Columbia’s his­to­ry.” But, when Hamil­ton Hall was bro­ken into, Shafik stat­ed that “pro­test­ers crossed a new line” 
“It was a vio­lent act that put our stu­dents at risk, as well as putting the pro­test­ers at risk,” Shafik said. “I walked through the build­ing and saw the dam­age, which was dis­tress­ing.” 

Offi­cers with the New York Police Depart­ment …