Democ­rats aren’t guar­an­teed vic­to­ry if Trump is con­vict­ed

Democrats aren’t guaranteed victory if Trump is convicted

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump is con­tin­u­ing his best run of polling in the near­ly nine years he has been run­ning for office six months before the elec­tion, but Democ­rats have long expect­ed a crim­i­nal con­vic­tion to erase his lead.
Democ­rats may want to start think­ing about Plan B in case even this result fails to derail the Trump train.
That’s not to say with any cer­tain­ty that Trump would sur­vive a con­vic­tion in the hush mon­ey case or any oth­er pros­e­cu­tors are able to sneak in ahead of Novem­ber. There are plen­ty of polls that sup­port the the­o­ry it would be a cam­paign-alter­ing event, includ­ing one by the New York Times and Siena Col­lege last year that found a quar­ter of his own vot­ers thought Repub­li­cans shouldn’t nom­i­nate him if he is found guilty of a crime.
“Con­vict­ed felon” would like­ly replace “for­mer pres­i­dent” in front of Trump’s name in every Demo­c­ra­t­ic attack ad.
But the polling since Trump’s New York tri­al began should intro …