Editor’s Pick: Wash­ing­ton Times Cov­ers DISTURBING Move by Black­Rock in Chi­na

Editor’s Pick: Washington Times Covers DISTURBING Move by BlackRock in China

Our friends at The Wash­ing­ton Times had a front-page sto­ry for Thursday’s print edi­tion that showed, once again, The Times has in-depth report­ing the rest of the print media wouldn’t dare to touch. This time, nation­al secu­ri­ty cor­re­spon­dent Bill Gertz high­light­ed a report that infa­mous Wall Street firm Black­Rock “is invest­ing mil­lions of dol­lars in an esti­mat­ed 30 Chi­nese mil­i­tary-linked com­pa­nies sanc­tioned by the U.S. gov­ern­ment”.
The report, which came cour­tesy of the Coali­tion for a Pros­per­ous Amer­i­ca, also revealed Black­Rock — a com­pa­ny known for back­ing woke “envi­ron­men­tal, social and gov­er­nance” (ESG) poli­cies under boss Lar­ry Fink — “has invest­ed in com­pa­nies work­ing on China’s large-scale nuclear weapons buildup.”
Despite its woke pedi­gree, Gertz said Black­Rock specif­i­cal­ly has giv­en “near­ly $50 mil­lion” to “Chi­nese com­pa­nies sanc­tioned under the 2022 Uyghur Forced Labor Pre­ven­tion Act”.
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