Hostin: You Can’t Send Police to Bust Camps, Kids Had ‘Fire Drills!’

Hostin: You Can’t Send Police to Bust Camps, Kids Had ‘Fire Drills!’

On Friday’s edi­tion of The View, ABC’s staunch­ly racist and anti-Semit­ic co-host, Sun­ny Hostin (the descen­dant of slave own­ers) decried that admin­is­tra­tors and states sent the police in to bust many of the ille­gal, anti-Semit­ic/pro-Hamas encamp­ments on col­lege cam­pus­es across the coun­try. Accord­ing to her, it was uncon­scionable for the police to break up the encamp­ments because the stu­dents “grew up” doing “fire drills” in school.
Hostin, com­plete­ly ignor­ing the fact that the stu­dents she was back­ing employed Nazi-style tac­tics against the Jews on cam­pus (includ­ing tak­ing a Jew­ish stu­dent hostage), whined that “anti-pro­test­ers that have com­ing in and caused vio­lence to these encamp­ments.”
“Let’s not for­get that part of the sto­ry,” she bit­ter­ly declared as mod­er­a­tor Joy Behar shot back with: “You know what, there are a lot of parts to the sto­ry.”
The shrill ram­bling con­tin­ued with Hostin bizarrely pro­claim­ing that the police should have con­sid­ered the fact that the stu­dents had par­tic­i­pat­ed in “fire drills” bef …