Leguizamo Bash­es ‘Insid­i­ous’ Uni­vi­sion For Lack­ing Hos­til­i­ty In Trump Inter­view

Actor, alleged come­di­an, and mas­sive nar­cis­sist John Leguizamo stopped by CBS and The Late Show with Stephen Col­bert on Thurs­day to hype his MSNBC minis­eries about “Lat­inx lens­es all across Amer­i­ca.” Before that, how­ev­er, Leguizamo blast­ed Uni­vi­sion for not bash­ing Don­ald Trump all the time and that, as a result, he trum­pet­ed that he will no longer be appear­ing on the net­work.
Col­bert recalled that, “You also wrote this in the Los Ange­les Times recent­ly, this was in Novem­ber. You wrote t …