Lib­er­al Fac­ul­ty Rages At Uni­ver­si­ty Of Texas Pres­i­dent For Dis­pers­ing Protests

Liberal Faculty Rages At University Of Texas President For Dispersing Protests

Among the over 600 fac­ul­ty mem­bers at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Texas at Austin who signed onto a let­ter stat­ing that they have “no con­fi­dence” in the uni­ver­si­ty pres­i­dent because he took swift action against anti-Israel pro­test­ers are rad­i­cal lib­er­al pro­fes­sors who blamed Israel for Hamas’ Octo­ber 7 ter­ror­ist attack.
Led by Pauline Turn­er Strong, a women’s and gen­der stud­ies pro­fes­sor who is cur­rent­ly study­ing the “role of indige­nous nations and move­ments in cli­mate jus­tice activism,” the pro­fes­sors say that Pres­i­dent Jay Hartzell “has shown him­self to be unre­spon­sive to urgent fac­ul­ty, staff, and stu­dent con­cerns”
“He has …