Nan­cy Mace to deliv­er Citadel address 25 years after her his­toric grad­u­a­tion

Nancy Mace to deliver Citadel address 25 years after her historic graduation

Rep. Nan­cy Mace (R‑SC) will deliv­er the com­mence­ment address at the Citadel near­ly 25 years after she became the first female cadet to grad­u­ate from the insti­tu­tion.
Mace’s com­mence­ment address will cap off the college’s cel­e­bra­tions of “25 years of female cadet grad­u­ates,” the school said. Approx­i­mate­ly 13% of the Citadel’s Corps of Cadets are women, with the uni­ver­si­ty stat­ing that the num­ber of female cadets con­tin­ues to grow.
The South Car­oli­na con­gress­woman will deliv­er the com­mence­ment address for the 2024 Corps of Cadets at 9 a.m. on Sat­ur­day. She became part of the Citadel as a Band Com­pa­ny mem­ber in 1996, grad­u­at­ing three years lat­er with a degree in busi­ness admin­is­tra­tion and “set­ting an exam­ple for the hun­dreds of female cadets who would earn their own Citadel diplo­mas in the fol­low­ing years,” per the unive …