RFK Cam­paign Pro­pos­es ‘Mas­sive Cuts’ To Mil­i­tary: ‘Every­thing Hinges On Demil­i­ta­riza­tion’

RFK Campaign Proposes ‘Massive Cuts’ To Military: ‘Everything Hinges On Demilitarization’

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. would cut mil­i­tary spend­ing near­ly in half to pay for a spate of new and expand­ed social pro­grams if he wins the White House, accord­ing to his cam­paign.
Charles Eisen­stein, a senior advis­er to the Kennedy cam­paign, said that the can­di­date would aim to cut mil­i­tary spend­ing to a lev­el not seen since Pres­i­dent Dwight Eisenhower’s last year in office. The sav­ings from the cost cut­ting would be redi­rect­ed to cov­er child­care sub­si­dies and oth­er wel­fare p …