Trou­bled Wash­ing­ton fer­ry sys­tem becomes an issue in the governor’s race

Troubled Washington ferry system becomes an issue in the governor’s race

(The Cen­ter Square) – Wash­ing­ton Repub­li­can can­di­date for gov­er­nor Dave Reichert is blast­ing Gov. Jay Inslee over ongo­ing issues plagu­ing Wash­ing­ton State Fer­ries. 
“With near­ly 40% of the ves­sels in the Wash­ing­ton State Fer­ries fleet out of ser­vice, I’m call­ing on Inslee to take imme­di­ate action on the mis­man­aged night­mare that hap­pened on your watch,” a news release from Reichert’s cam­paign said.
The news release went on to say, “The cur­rent admin­is­tra­tion has decid­ed to just let the fer­ry sys­tem dete …