Trump cam­paign esca­lat­ing out­reach to black vot­ers in Geor­gia after nar­row 2020 loss

Trump campaign escalating outreach to black voters in Georgia after narrow 2020 loss

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump is work­ing over­time to avoid los­ing Geor­gia again in 2024 after his nar­row defeat there in 2020.
Pres­i­dent Joe Biden edged the incum­bent by rough­ly 12,000 votes in 2020, snatch­ing vic­to­ry from Trump in a state he had won in 2016. Black vot­ers have been the fastest-grow­ing vot­er demo­graph­ic in the state and could have been key to a Trump vic­to­ry then.
A few weeks after Trump made an appear­ance in Atlanta, the cam­paign is mak­ing a con­scious effort to make Geor­gian black vot­ers direct their atten­tion to Trump in 2024.
A new ad released by Trump’s Super PAC, Make Amer­i­ca Great Again Inc, is tar­get­ed at rur­al black vot­ers in cen­tral Geor­gia. The video fea­tures a Biden cam­paign work­er read­ing off a phone bank sheet direct­ed at poten­tial vot­ers.

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The work­er answers the phone with a man on the line respond­ing that he vot­ed for Biden “last time,” before list­ing rea­sons he’s dis­il­lu­sioned with the cur­rent admin­is­tra­tion. The work­er responds by say­ing Biden “pays rents for new­com­ers to Amer­i­ca,” …