Trump in blowout ter­ri­to­ry, leads Biden by 10–12 points

Trump in blowout territory, leads Biden by 10-12 points

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s lead over Pres­i­dent Joe Biden has near­ly dou­bled in the new Ras­mussen Reports poll, and could go even high­er after today’s unex­pect­ed jump in unem­ploy­ment.
The lat­est 2024 elec­tion num­bers shared with Secrets had Trump at 46%, Biden at 36%, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at 9%.
Last month, Trump led Biden by 6 points, 44%-38%.
In a five-per­son race that includ­ed two oth­er long shots, Trump expand­ed his lead over Biden to 12 points, 48%-36%.
The new sur­vey of like­ly vot­ers showed that Trump has tak­en sup­port from both Biden and Kennedy.
It also showed that Trump is main­tain­ing his sup­port with black vot­ers, a group that typ­i­cal­ly votes for Democ­rats at 90% or bet­ter. In the sur­vey, Trump’s sup­port from black vot­ers was 21%. Biden’s was a dis­mal 61%.
His­pan­ics favored Trump 41%-33%.

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