Trump tri­al: Stormy Daniels attor­ney grilled on celebri­ty extor­tion

Trump trial: Stormy Daniels attorney grilled on celebrity extortion

A lawyer was ques­tioned by for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s defense team in New York on Thurs­day about his efforts to reach nondis­clo­sure agree­ments with high-pro­file fig­ures and whether his work ever amount­ed to extor­tion.
Trump’s attor­ney asked Kei­th David­son, who rep­re­sent­ed two women now entan­gled in Trump’s hush mon­ey case, if he was wor­ried about vio­lat­ing extor­tion laws when he nego­ti­at­ed pay­ments for his clients.
“You were pret­ty well-versed in get­ting right up to the line with­out com­mit­ting extor­tion, right?” Trump attor­ney Emil Bove asked, accord­ing to reports of the court pro­ceed­ings by CNN.
David­son respond­ed that he did not under­stand the ques­tion, but when pressed fur­ther, he con­ced­ed that he “had to be care­ful” abo …