Demo­c­rat David Trone’s loans to own Sen­ate cam­paign sur­pass $54 mil­lion

Democrat David Trone’s loans to own Senate campaign surpass  million

Rep. David Trone (D‑MD) has lent over $54 mil­lion to his Mary­land Sen­ate cam­paign, Fed­er­al Elec­tion Com­mis­sion fil­ings show.
The fil­ings, which cov­er through April 24, are a win­dow into how Trone, a wealthy busi­ness­man who found­ed and co-owns the retail com­pa­ny Total Wine & More, is hop­ing that his for­tune will earn him a seat in the upper cham­ber. Trone assumed office in the House in 2019 and has since faced con­tro­ver­sies this elec­tion cycle over an appar­ent dis­crep­an­cy with his finan­cial dis­clo­sures and usage of a racial slur dur­ing a con­gres­sion­al hear­ing.
Trone is run­ning in the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Sen­ate pri­ma­ry in Mary­land against Angela Also­brooks, a black woman who is exec­u­tive in Prince George’s Coun­ty, the sec­ond-most pop­u­lous coun­ty in the Old Line State. Also­brooks is endorsed by var­i­ous law­mak­ers, includ­ing Sens. …