Chief Jus­tice Roberts Declines Invite To Meet With Sen­ate Dems On Ali­to

Chief Justice Roberts Declines Invite To Meet With Senate Dems On Alito

On Thurs­day, Supreme Court Chief Jus­tice John Roberts reject­ed a request from Sen­ate Democ­rats for a meet­ing to dis­cuss flags seen fly­ing at Jus­tice Samuel Alito‘s homes that have drawn ethics com­plaints from the Left.
Roberts con­veyed his mes­sage in a brief let­ter to Sen­ate Judi­cia­ry Chair­man Dick Durbin (D‑IL) and Sen. Shel­don White­house (D‑RI), chair­man of the Judi­cia­ry Sub­com­mit­tee on Fed­er­al Courts,” who sent a mis­sive last week ask­ing for an audi­ence with the chief jus­tice.
“I must respect­ful­ly decline your request for a meet­ing,” Roberts said, adding lat­er, “Sep­a­ra­tion of pow­ers con­cerns and the impor­tance of pre­serv­ing judi­cial inde­pen­dence coun­sel against such appear­ances.”
He con­tin­ued, “More­over, the for­mat pro­posed — a meet­ing with lead­ers of only one par­ty who have expressed an inter­est in mat­ters cur­rent­ly pend­ing before the Court — sim­ply under­scores that par­tic­i­pat­ing in such a meet­ing would be inad­vis­able.”
The con­tro­ver­sy took …