John Leg­end Says Black Vot­ers Are Leav­ing Biden Because Of ‘Mas­culin­i­ty’

John Legend Says Black Voters Are Leaving Biden Because Of ‘Masculinity’

Lib­er­al activist John Leg­end said young black and lati­no male vot­ers are leav­ing Pres­i­dent Joe Biden because for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s form of “mas­culin­i­ty” appeals to some men.
Speak­ing on the “Pod Save Amer­i­ca” pod­cast — run by sev­er­al for­mer aides to for­mer Pres­i­dent Barack Oba­ma — the 45-year-old singer said he thinks Biden should be the pres­i­dent and admit­ted Trump nar­row­ing the mar­gin with black and lati­no young male vot­ers is going to have to be dealt with by the Biden cam­paign.
“Well, I think Trump per­forms a form of mas­culin­i­ty that I think is attrac­tive to some peo­ple,” Leg­end said. “To be clear, black men, even an uptick for Trump, is still a …