Dai­ly on Ener­gy: The Green Moun­tain State earns its name with new ‘cli­mate super­fund’

Daily on Energy: The Green Mountain State earns its name with new ‘climate superfund’

ICYMI: Ver­mont broke new ground in becom­ing the first state to enact a “Cli­mate Super­fund” on Thurs­day – allow­ing the state to seek pos­si­bly bil­lions of dol­lars from fos­sil fuel com­pa­nies to pay for the costs of cli­mate change.
The details: The bill, which had passed both cham­bers of the Ver­mont Gen­er­al Assem­bly, was allowed to become law with­out Repub­li­can Gov. Phil Scott’s sig­na­ture. Scott cit­ed con­cern with both the short and long-term costs of the bill and the pos­si­ble fall­out if the law is over­turned in the …