The View Was ‘Leak­ing’ in Excite­ment After Trump Was Found Guilty, Want Prison

<div>The View Was 'Leaking' in Excitement After Trump Was Found Guilty, Want Prison</div>

Friday’s edi­tion of ABC’s The View was exact­ly what one expect­ed it to be after for­mer Pres­i­dent Trump was found guilty on 34 felony counts. Between TMI admis­sions that they were “leak­ing” with excite­ment in the aisle of a store and pearl-clutch­ing exas­per­a­tions of how far Amer­i­ca had fall­en and the oblig­a­tory demands he be sent to prison, the Cack­ling Coven’s reac­tions had it all.
From the get-go, things were out of the ordi­nary as mod­er­a­tor Whoopi Gold­berg was on set. “Now, do not adjust your TV set. Yes, I’m here on a Fri­day. Because this is a very unique moment in his­to­ry. That’s why we’re all at the table,” she announced, show­ing off all six co-hosts.
With co-host Joy Behar telling her not to “choke” when announc­ing the news, Gold­berg had to sti­fle a laugh and flubbed when she pro­claimed Trump was a “con­fect­ed” felon before cor­rect­ing her­self. She also unchar­ac­ter­is­ti­call …