Aman­pour, Guest Com­pare Trump to Joe McCarthy; Were Hamas Ral­lies ‘Pro-Peace’?

On Mon­day, the inter­view show Aman­pour & Co., which airs on CNN Inter­na­tion­al and tax­pay­er-sup­port­ed PBS, aired a con­ver­sa­tion between host Chris­tiane Aman­pour and Jelani Cobb, the dean of Colum­bia Jour­nal­ism School, both fret­ting over the per­ils of Trump and bring­ing the Joe McCarthy era into the dis­cus­sion (you know it’s seri­ous when jour­nal­ists bring up the Red Scare).The show includ­ed this laugh­er of a line fro­mA­man­pour: “And yet, most jour­nal­ists, most — I guess, main­stream media would say, it’s not our job to tell peo­ple how to vote.“Cobb agreed in “yes, but” fash­ion, insist­ing jour­na …