‘Sounds Like Pol­i­tics’: PBS Mourns GOP Attack­ing Trump Ver­dict

PBS NewsHour’s week­ly recap with New York Times colum­nist David Brooks and Wash­ing­ton Post asso­ciate edi­tor Jonathan Cape­hart had a lot to dis­cuss on Fri­day as they dis­cussed for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump being found guilty in New York. The com­mon thread through­out, how­ev­er, was that in “the before times” Repub­li­cans and con­ser­v­a­tives would have lined up to sim­ply accept what hap­pened and that now insti­tu­tions are under assault because they will not.
Host Geoff Ben­nett turned to Brooks and repeat­ed what Cape­hart …