Mexico’s his­toric elec­tion: What you need to know about the record-break­ing pres­i­den­tial elec­tion

Mexico’s historic election: What you need to know about the record-breaking presidential election

Against a back­drop of increas­ing vio­lence, a his­toric num­ber of vot­ers are expect­ed to cast their bal­lots in Mexico‘s Sun­day elec­tions. 
Clau­dia Shein­baum leads Xochitl Galvez as the favored can­di­date in the polls as the coun­try is on course to elect Mexico’s first female pres­i­dent. 
Shein­baum rep­re­sents the left-lean­ing More­na Par­ty, and Galvez rep­re­sents the oppo­si­tion alliance, led by the con­ser­v­a­tive Nation­al Action Par­ty. This elec­tion marks a sig­nif­i­cant shift in a soci­ety long defined by its “macho” cul­ture.
Here are four things to know about the his­toric con­test:
Mexico’s record-break­ing elec­tion
This elec­tion stands out as the largest in the nation’s his­to­ry, with more than 20,000 con­gres­sion­al and local posi­tions avail­able, as report­ed by the Nation­al Elec­toral Insti­tute.
On June 2, near­ly 100 mil­lion con­stituents, includ­ing a record-break­ing num­ber of first-time par­tic­i­pants, are expect­ed t …