Why Won’t Scors­ese, De Niro Decry ‘Good­fel­las’ Trig­ger Warn­ing?

“Good­fel­las” actor Frank Sivero isn’t a house­hold name, but this week he shamed his famous peers.
The vet­er­an actor came to the defense of the 1990 mob clas­sic star­ring Robert De Niro, Joe Pesci and the late Ray Liot­ta. Direc­tor Mar­tin Scorsese’s film is con­sid­ered one of his film canon’s high­lights, on par with the great­est mob­ster sto­ries ever told.

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AMC added a trig­ger warn­ing to the film and sev­er­al oth­ers in 2020 dur­ing the rise of Black Lives Mat­ter. News of the “Good­fel­las” warn­ing went viral ear­li­er this month.

“This film includes lan­guage and/or cul­tur­al stereo­types that are inco …