Bur­gum Blasts Report Claim­ing Trump Offered To Cut Regs If Oil CEOs Gave $1 Bil­lion To Cam­paign Effort: ‘Did Not Hap­pen’

Burgum Blasts Report Claiming Trump Offered To Cut Regs If Oil CEOs Gave  Billion To Campaign Effort: ‘Did Not Happen’

North Dako­ta Gov­er­nor Doug Bur­gum flat­ly denied over the week­end a report in The Wash­ing­ton Post that claimed that for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump offered to cut reg­u­la­tions for oil com­pa­nies if their exec­u­tives raised a bil­lion dol­lars for his efforts to retake the White House.
Bur­gum made the remarks dur­ing a Sun­day inter­view on CBS News’ “Face The Nation” with host Mar­garet Bren­nan when asked about the recent report.
“I was at that meet­ing,” Bur­gum said. “That did not hap­pen. T …