Hunter Biden jury selec­tion com­plete after day one of tri­al

WILMINGTON, Delaware — Twelve jurors and four alter­nates were cho­sen Mon­day to decide Hunter Biden’s fate in the case against the first son relat­ed to a 2018 gun pur­chase.
Rough­ly 65 prospec­tive jurors entered a fed­er­al court­room in Wilm­ing­ton one by one to answer ques­tions while Biden, his defense attor­neys, and some of his fam­i­ly mem­bers, includ­ing first lady Jill Biden, watched atten­tive­ly.
Hunter Biden’s wife, Melis­sa Cohen Biden, first daugh­ter Ash­ley Biden, and Hol­ly­wood lawyer Kevin Mor­ris were also in atten­dance. On the government’s side, spe­cial coun­sel David Weiss watched the pro­ceed­ings.
Jurors were weed­ed out less for their polit­i­cal views about the Biden fam­i­ly and more for their per­spec­tives on drug addic­tion and Sec­ond Amend­ment rights.
Hunter Biden is fac­ing felony gun charges brought by Weiss over alle­ga­tions he lied on a fed­er­al gun form in 2018 about his drug use to pur­chase a revolver and then kept the gun fo …