On Thursday’s Morning Joe, to keep hope alive for President Biden’s chances in the 2024 election, co-host Joe Scarborough clung to an article by Nate Cohn of the New York Times like a drowning man to a life vest.
Here’s the gist of Cohn’s theory:
“The polls are not perfect. They’ve been off before, and they’ll be off again. They wouldn’t really need to be off-target by much at all for Mr. Biden to squeak out a victory. But even if the polls were exactly right, in the sense that Mr. Trump would win if the election were held tomorrow by the precise margins implied by the recent polls, Mr. Biden would still have a very real chance to win in November.”
Note that, per Cohn, even if things fell into place Biden’s way, he would likely win with the bare minimum of 270 Electoral College votes.
Scarborough also boasted about having predicted in 2016 that Trump could win, omitting the fact that just a few days before the 2016 election, he told worried Democrats to “Just rel …