Kevin McCarthy Accus­es CNN Of Media Bias Dur­ing Heat­ed Inter­view

Kevin McCarthy Accuses CNN Of Media Bias During Heated Interview

For­mer House Speak­er Kevin McCarthy (R‑CA) accused CNN of skewed cov­er­age against for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump and oth­er Repub­li­cans dur­ing a heat­ed inter­view over the week­end.
McCarthy made the remarks on Sun­day to CNN reporter Manu Raju on the network’s “Inside Pol­i­tics” pro­gram.
“Is it a good idea that Don­ald Trump is the nom­i­nee? The answer is 100 per­cent yes,” McCarthy said. “Will Don­ald Trump win this pres­i­den­cy? The answer is yes. And it’s inter­est­ing. I was watch­ing the earl …