The View’s Fake Repub­li­can Com­pares Rubio to a ‘Dog’ for Defend­ing Trump

The View’s Fake Republican Compares Rubio to a ‘Dog’ for Defending Trump

Ana Navar­ro claims to still be a Repub­li­can despite active­ly cam­paign­ing for Pres­i­dent Biden’s reelec­tion effort and repeat­ed­ly defend­ing alleged­ly cor­rupt Democ­rats such as New Jer­sey Sen­a­tor Bob Menen­dez. And on Monday’s show, in the wake of for­mer Pres­i­dent Trump’s felony con­vic­tions under ques­tion­able cir­cum­stances, she raged at Flori­da Repub­li­can Sen­a­tor Mar­co Rubio for defend­ing Trump by com­par­ing him to a “dog.”
In the midst of The View’s whin­ing about Repub­li­can politi­cians speak­ing out in sup­port of the party’s pre­sump­tive pres­i­den­tial nom­i­nee, Navar­ro blovi­at­ed about how, “You know, some peo­ple have emo­tion­al sup­port dogs. Don­ald Trump has emo­tion­al sup­port sen­a­tors.”
She sug­gest­ed they were fight­ing among “them­selves as to who kiss­es his ass more” to become his vice pres­i­dent. “But worse amongst them is the sen­a­tor from my state of Flori­da, Mar­co Rubio,” she declared.
After play­ing a sound­bite of Rubio com­par­ing the Trump tri­al to the show tri­als of com­mu­nist Cuba after the rev­o­lu­tion, Navar­ro explod­ed:

NAVARRO: How dare you, Mar­co?! How dare you?!
NAVARRO: 5,600 Cubans, at least, were shot in front of fir­ing squads! Another1,200 were shot and died because of extra­ju­di­cial hear­ings! How dare you use their name in vain so you can suck up to this man! I know you want to be his vice pres­i­dent, but don’t you dare use the name of these peo­ple who died pro­tect­ing free­dom and com­pare our U.S. judi­cial sys­tem to what hap­pens in Cuba, what hap­pens in Nicaragua, what hap­pens in Venez …