Gabe Vasquez and Yvette Her­rell rematch set for New Mex­i­co House seat

Gabe Vasquez and Yvette Herrell rematch set for New Mexico House seat

Rep. Gabe Vasquez (D‑NM) and for­mer GOP Rep. Yvette Her­rell won their pri­ma­ry elec­tions on Tues­day night, seal­ing their com­pet­i­tive rematch to con­trol New Mexico’s 2nd Con­gres­sion­al Dis­trict. 
The races were called short­ly after polls closed at 9 p.m. East­ern, as both Vasquez and Her­rell did not face chal­lengers for their party’s nom­i­na­tions. The two will go on to face each oth­er in the Novem­ber elec­tion in what is shap­ing up to be one of the most watched elec­tions of the 2024 cycle. 
Vasquez could face an uphill bat­tle to reclaim the seat as he faces back­lash from crim­i­nal alle­ga­tions dat­ing back 20 years ago. Those reports, which were inde­pen­dent­ly con­firmed by the Wash­ing­ton Exam­in­er, said Vasquez used a racial slur when call­ing his for­mer place of employ­ment in 2004.
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