Rand Paul sets stan­dards Trump has to meet to earn endorse­ment

Rand Paul sets standards Trump has to meet to earn endorsement

Sen. Rand Paul (R‑KY) list­ed a set of stan­dards for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump has to meet before he takes an active role and endors­es the pre­sump­tive GOP nom­i­nee.
“When we have agreed, I’ve been very sup­port­ive. When we have dis­agreed, I’ve also dis­agreed with him,” Paul said in an inter­view with Spec­trum News.
Before Paul can endorse Trump, the lat­ter needs to be more out­spo­ken on issues the Ken­tucky sen­a­tor deems crit­i­cal, he said.
“I think that it’s impor­tant that if he wants to get my vote and my sup­port, wants me to be more active in this, that he’s gonna have to be more vocal on things like the lock­downs that I opposed, like the civ­il lib­er­ties abus­es that I opposed, like the debt, which frankly has been bad under Repub­li­cans and Democ­rats,” accord­ing to Paul.
“So, I’m look­ing for a lit­tle bit more before I make a final deci­sion.”
Paul did, how­ev­er, …