Rul­ing on Illi­nois can­di­date slat­ing pro­hi­bi­tion could come this week

Ruling on Illinois candidate slating prohibition could come this week

(The Cen­ter Square) – Mon­day was the dead­line for can­di­dates that didn’t run in Illi­nois’ March pri­ma­ry to file for bal­lot access. It was also the first hear­ing in a case chal­leng­ing the pro­hi­bi­tion of such can­di­dates from being slat­ed. 
The law Gov. J.B. Pritzk­er hasti­ly enact­ed last month after the leg­is­la­ture gut­ted and replaced a com­plete­ly sep­a­rate bill with the mid-elec­tion year change was tem­porar­i­ly blocked after a Sang­a­mon Coun­ty judge issued a pre­lim­i­nary injunc­tion. 
Mon­day, can­di­dates filed peti­tions with the Illi­nois State Board of Elec­tions to get on the Novem­ber bal­lot. Across town in Spring­field, Lib­er­ty Jus­tice Cen­ter attor­ney Jef­frey Schwab rep­re­sent­ed some of the fil­ers in the first hear­ing chal­leng­ing the law.  
“Gov­ern­ment shouldn’t be allowed to change the rules in an elec­tion in the mid­dle of the process,” Schwab told The Cen­ter Square. “It’s fine if they want to change future rules if they want to make things a lit­tle more fair or bet­ter, or they think that this process is unfair. That’ …