Dai­ly on Ener­gy: Clock runs out on RECA, Youngkin ditch­es Cal­i­for­nia EV rules, and Hochul delays con­ges­tion pric­ing

Daily on Energy: Clock runs out on RECA, Youngkin ditches California EV rules, and Hochul delays congestion pricing

CLOCK RUNNING OUT ON RECA: A pro­gram offer­ing com­pen­sa­tion to vic­tims of nuclear con­t­a­m­i­na­tion is like­ly to lapse due to inac­tion from the House, as law­mak­ers end a short leg­isla­tive week with­out vot­ing to extend or expand the pro­gram. 
The details: The Radi­a­tion Expo­sure Com­pen­sa­tion Act is set to sun­set on June 7 – and House law­mak­ers have left the Capi­tol for the week before vot­ing on any bill to reau­tho­rize the pro­gram before the dead­line. A num­ber of law­mak­ers are head­ing to France …