Kim­mel Lobs Soft­balls, Har­ris Com­pares Pro-Lif­ers To Moles­ters, Slave Own­ers

Last elec­tion cycle, ABC’s Jim­my Kim­mel brought on his wife to sound a lit­er­al alarm that peo­ple need to vote for Democ­rats in order to save abor­tion. On Tues­day, he invit­ed Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris to do the same. Through­out, Kim­mel would put the ball on the tee for Har­ris while she would com­pare pro-lif­ers to moles­ters and slavers.
Kim­mel began with the soft­est pos­si­ble ques­tion, “I want to start with repro­duc­tive rights. You’re for them, yes?”
After Har­ris affirmed she does sup­port abor­tion, Kim­mel con­tin­ued, “They are being threat­ened. I mean, not just threat­ened, but you know, Roe v. Wade, we …