Net­works Present House Hear­ing as St. Mer­rick Gar­land vs. Repub­li­can Vil­lains

The four night­ly broad­cast news shows (ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS) on Tues­day pre­sent­ed Attor­ney Gen­er­al Mer­rick Garland’s House hear­ing as a brave moment where he pro­claimed he would “not be intim­i­dat­ed” by House Repub­li­can demands. 
 The empha­sis of every seg­ment was a pitiable Gar­land attacked by the Repub­li­can bul­lies, the news seemed more and more like a teenage dra­ma sto­ry, exempt from any attempt at non­par­ti­san jour­nal­ism.
The House Repub­li­cans called the hear­ing in hopes of obtain­ing audio and video f …