George W. Bush pho­tos appear in Sen­ate cam­paign ad — of a Demo­c­rat

George W. Bush photos appear in Senate campaign ad — of a Democrat

For­mer Pres­i­dent George W. Bush makes two appear­ances, via old pho­tos, in a 2024 Michi­gan Sen­ate race cam­paign ad. Not for like­ly GOP nom­i­nee Mike Rogers, a House mem­ber and strong sup­port­er dur­ing Bush’s 2001-09 pres­i­den­cy, but for the prob­a­ble Demo­c­ra­t­ic Sen­ate nom­i­nee, Rep. Elis­sa Slotkin. 
The tele­vi­sion ad is an exten­sion of a bipar­ti­san-lean­ing strat­e­gy Slotkin has employed since her ini­tial win, in 2018, of a House dis­trict that takes in the state cap­i­tal of Lans­ing and stretch­es to the north­west­ern Detroit exurbs. Slotkin has styled her­self as a cen­trist who reach­es out to Repub­li­cans.

Rep. Elis­sa Slotkin (D‑MI), run­ning for an open Sen­ate seat in Michi­gan, is push­ing an ad tout­ing her bipar­ti­san bona fides. It shows pho­tos of the for­mer Defense Depart­ment and CIA offi­cial meet­ing with Pres­i­dents Barack Oba­ma and …