Israel res­cues four hostages tak­en by Hamas on Oct. 7

Four Israelis tak­en hostage by Hamas on Oct. 7 dur­ing the attacks at the Nova music fes­ti­val were res­cued by secu­ri­ty forces Sat­ur­day morn­ing.
The res­cued hostages are Noa Arga­mani, 25, Almog Meir Jan, 21, Andrey Kozlov, 27, and Shlo­mi Ziv, 40. They have all been tak­en to  She­ba Tel-HaShomer Med­ical Cen­ter near Tel Aviv, and are report­ed to be in good con­di­tion.
Once reunit­ed with her father and dying moth­er, Arga­mani talked with Prime Min­is­ter Ben­jamin Netanyahu over the phone. Video footage from the attack in Octo­ber, showed Arga­mani reach­ing out for her boyfriend as she was being tak­en away on the back of a motor­cy­cle by two Hamas ter­ror­ists. 
She appeared in a series of pro­pa­gan­da videos released by Hamas in Jan­u­ary. The first video clip shows Arga­mani beside two male hostages, Yos­si Shara­bi and Itai Sv …