Mod­el Amber Rose still sup­ports Trump fol­low­ing con­vic­tion

Model Amber Rose still supports Trump following conviction

Mod­el Amber Rose is the lat­est celebri­ty to reit­er­ate her sup­port for Don­ald Trump this Novem­ber despite the recent guilty ver­dict against him.
Rose, whose legal name is Amber Lev­onchuck, said that Trump’s con­vic­tion in Man­hat­tan court over 34 felony charges of fal­si­fy­ing busi­ness records did not change her view of him. She first pub­licly endorsed him in May, dur­ing the tri­al, but con­firmed her con­tin­ued sup­port in an on-the-street inter­view.
“I think it helps him more, yeah absolute­ly. I think peo­ple see the injus­tice in what hap­pened and they want to vote for him more than ever,” Rose said of the tri­al. “We just did our research and we’re just, you know, we’re not brain­washed any­more by the Left. I can say that about myself all these years I’ve been brain­washed and I’m not any­more.”
This comes after rap­per 50 Cent vis­it­ed the Capi­tol ear­li­er this week. He has long been a Trump sup­port­er and main­tains his endorse­ment of the for­mer pres­i­dent. Mean­while, few celebri­ties have endorsed incum­bent Pres­i­dent Joe Biden so far this elec­tion cycle. Rap­per Car­di B switched from once endors­ing Biden ahead of …