GOP’s top four picks for vice pres­i­dent are not on Trump’s short list

GOP’s top four picks for vice president are not on Trump’s short list

Four of the top choic­es of run­ning mates for for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump are not on his short list, lead­ing some sup­port­ers to believe that his list is either a head fake or that he is let­ting revenge guide his deci­sion.
In the lat­est I&I/TIPP Poll just released this morn­ing, Gov. Ron DeSan­tis (R‑FL), for­mer Unit­ed Nations Ambas­sador Nik­ki Haley, busi­ness­man Vivek Ramaswamy, and Gov. Greg Abbott (R‑TX) are the top four choic­es among Repub­li­can vot­ers to run for vice pres­i­dent.
Three ran against Trump — DeSan­tis, Haley, and Ramaswamy — said dif­fi­cult things about him, and are off his short list. Abbott has also clashed with Trump, though they have recent­ly joined tight­ly on clos­ing the bor­der.
None received a pack­age sent out by Trump’s team vet­ting poten­tial run­ning mates, accord­ing to reports.
Asked for their first pick, Repub­li­cans list­ed their top four choic­es in this order:
— DeSan­tis 14%.
— Haley 11%.
— Ramaswamy 8%.
— Abbott 7%.
The sur­vey analy­sis picked up on the con­cerns about Trump’s list.

“Will Trump seek a run­ning mate who in the White House will pro­vide him wit …