Col­bert And Book­er Cast Doubt On SCOTUS, Insist Trump Ver­dict Is Above Crit­i­cism

CBS’s Stephen Col­bert rolled out the wel­come mat for New Jer­sey Sen. Cory Book­er for a three seg­ment inter­view on Monday’s install­ment of The Late Show. In seg­ment one, the duo would por­tray for­mer Pres­i­dent Trump’s guilty ver­dict as beyond crit­ics, while in seg­ments two and three, they wild­ly spec­u­lat­ed about the Supreme Court over­turn­ing Brown v. Board of Edu­ca­tion and cast doubt on the Court’s legit­i­ma­cy because the jus­tices were con­firmed by sen­a­tors from Wyoming and the Dakot …